Hands up if you have got the urge to seriously declutter your home for Spring?
I don’t know about you, but when my house feels under control – everything else just falls into place. The kids are calmer, I’m calmer, transitions are easier and I actually look forward to being at home.
It’s not just me, all the studies show that clutter = cortisol in the brain, mostly for women…surprise surprise.
But, dealing with a mayhem home is not something that can be done in one swoop. It takes time, brain power and overwhelm. Yep – decision fatigue is real. So I have put together a Spring Declutter Challenge that will help you take one bite at a time.
First things first, here is the PDF printable for you to download and print. Pop it on your fridge, get the kids involved or just pick and choose what and when you want to do it. This is not a daily challenge, it’s just a list of things to smash out when you get a chance that will hopefully lead to you feeling a little more in control of things.
There are a few rules.
#1 – Set your intention. Maybe it’s, ‘I just want less crap,’ ‘I want to dramatically declutter,’ or ‘I want the house to feel cleaner. A clear intention will get you better outcomes.
#2 – Try to only do one thing at a time, to completion. This is not about emptying out your entire wardrobe, just get out one category of clothing and deal with that.
#3 – If you choose to donate or recycle things, pop them straight into your car.
I will be sharing the prompts with more detail on socials in the next month or so, if you want more detail, head to Finding Organisation Instagram.
While I have you here, this is not the first declutter checklist I have created. So make sure to check out my printable declutter your home checklist here. As a professional organiser, I find that I’m chucking out the same stuff all the time – so I made that checklist of the 76 most common items I find.
And if you need some help, just reach out – I’m happy to help you out either in person or virtually.